Travel, Technology

How ColorStack Saw 3x Increase In Event Signups


Conversion rate increase


Launch year

The Problem: Attracting Event Signups

ColorStack, is a non-profit dedicated to making tech careers more accessible for LatinX and students of color.




They faced the following challenges: 


→ Communicating their unique value proposition

→ Making their case compelling enough to attract in-person attendees

Our Solution: Landing Page Copy and Content Strategy

→ Thoroughly researched the company background and why they were the ideal solution for their clients 

→ Did a deep dive into their ICP’s struggles, challenges, hesitations, and desired outcomes

→ Showcased testimonials and social proof to build authority

→ Designed and developed landing page copy that positioned ColorStack as their target audience’s ideal solution

The Result: Conversion Rates tripled

By taking a content-first approach to the landing page design, we helped ColorStack create a landing page that hit it out of the ballpark compared to the previous year.


Conversion rates tripled, showcasing the effectiveness of content-led design and thorough research of our client’s ideal customer. 

Interested in boosting your Landing Page Conversions?